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Saturday, 26 March 2011

First Lesson ♥

Wanna learn chinese and can't find any friends to help you up? Well, this is a suitable place for you to learn to speak basic chinese. More on malaysian chinese slang.

Firstly, most of the people will learn on how to greet people. So, there you go. Have fun!

How are you - ni hao ma ? 你好吗
It pronounces like 'nee how ma'

and then to reply on that question, you can either say I'm fine or I'm not fine.

I'm fine - wo hen hao 我很好(It actually more on *I'm very good*)

I'm not fine - wo bu hao 我不好

I, You, We, They, He, She, It

I - Wo
You - Ni
We - wo men 我们(like us)
They - ta men 他们 (them)
He, She and It - ta 他,她,它

Feel free to ask me any questions, and have a nice day!

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